Who We Are2022-2023 Officers:
President: Ellen Schulte Vice President: Open Secretary: Jamie Kilgore Treasurer: Kevin Petersen Financial Secretary: Christine Forret Scholarship Chair: Angie Jensen Standing Committees: Patron Program Coordinator: Jaci Green & Shari Shaw Sunshine: Jolene Miller, Kelly Meyers & Rachelle Kjellberg Festivals & Events: Angie Jensen & Rebecca Woell (All-State), Leah Jacobs & Darci Petersen (Encounter) Concessions Coordinator: Jaci Green Member Recruitment: Open Public Relations/Media: Emily Fox Ad Hoc Committees: Fundraising: Open Audit: appointed at audit time If you are interested in helping with any of the open positions or would like more info, please let us know. Please contact us at [email protected]. |
When We MeetThe Indianola Music Boosters meet at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. We invite all parents, guardians as well as any persons who have an interest in supporting the music programs to attend. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!
Please like us on Facebook @ Indianola Music Boosters. We'll post meeting notices and other information about music programs. You can also join our email list to get meeting reminders, general information and information on volunteer opportunities. Just send us a message of your interest to [email protected]. Click here to read the Music Booster By-Laws |